My Five Favorite Dahlia Forms (and how to incorporate them into your garden)

Let’s be real: you can’t go wrong with a dahlia in your garden, no matter which one you grow. Their shrub like form adds depth to a space even when they’re not blooming, and their blooms ultimately become a beautiful garden firework show that ends the growing season, as they hit their stride when many other summer flowers have begun to fade.

That being said, there are many forms of dahlias out there. In fact, the American Dahlia Association lists 29 forms on their website, which can be a lot to swallow when you’re just beginning your guaranteed love affair with this magical flower.

Which is why I created this short list of the five dahlia forms that are perfect as your introduction to growing them, and at the end I’ll explain just how to work them into your flowering borders and gardens.

Ball Dahlia

The ball dahlia is aptly named for its perfectly symmetrical round shape comprised of rolled up petals that will create a flower ball.  They are a sturdy variety of dahlia that grow on strong stems and have the longest vase life of all other dahlia varieties.

Personal favorites: Cornel Bronze, Copper Boy, Boom Boom White, Linda’s Baby, and any in the Jowey Series (they come in a variety of colors)

shown above: Linda’s Baby (pink) and Maarn

Pompon Dahlia

Though they’re known as Pompon dahlias, I’ll forever call them “Pom Pom” dahlias in my mind because their small, cute round flower heads always make me think of those fluffy craft puffs.

Pompon dahlias are essentially a smaller variety of ball dahlias, growing on shorter plants and featuring round faces that are 2-3 inches versus the typical 4-6 inches of ball dahlias.

Favorite varieties: Tiny Treasure, Butter Cup, Amber Queen

Pictured above: Tiny Treasure

Dinnerplate Dahlia

Dinnerplate dahlias are true showstoppers, but I need to get technical for a moment: this is an unofficial label for dahlias that typically fall under the official labels of formal decorative or informal decorative dahlias. The easiest way to tell those two apart is by the petals. Formal decorative dahlias have flat, evenly spaced petals, whereas informal decorative dahlias have an irregular arrangement of slightly curvy or twisted petals. 

The reason these two groups began to be unofficially labeled as dinnerplate dahlias is because no matter how the petals lay, they both tend to produce very large flower heads- sometimes the size of a dinnerplate!

Due to their very large heads being held up by fairly skinny stems, dinnerplate dahlias can become a bit droopy on the plant. Their large flower heads are also prone to breaking off of stems easily when weaving them into flower arrangements.  Nonetheless, they’re still worth growing for the sheer fact that they’ll definitely be a garden statement AND make you feel like a gardening wizard. Holding a flower the size of your face that you grew yourself offers quite the grower’s high! 

Personal favorites: Cafe Au Lait, Great Hercules, Shiloh Noelle, Blushing Lady, Kelvin Floodlight

Pictured above: Shiloh Noelle

Cactus/Semi-Cactus Dahlia

Cactus dahlias have petals that curl into themselves, stand upright, and end at a point, thereby creating a spiky look that inspired the name.  They remind me a punk rocker hairstyle and I personally think they add the perfect amount of edginess to garden and flower arrangements.

How do Cactus and Semi-Cactus dahlias differ? Semi Cactus dahlias also have spiky petals, but unlike cactus dahlias, their petals only curl up less than half the length of the petal.

Many dahlias from this group present as a dinnerplate dahlia given their large size, so it truly is the quill like petal form that make them stand apart.

Personal Favorites: Myrtle’s Folly, Blackjack, My Love, Tsuki Yori

Pictured above: Tsuki Yori

Anemone Dahlia

Anemone dahlias have a pin cushion center made up of tiny florets, surrounded by a ring of petals that resemble those of daisies.  At first glance you may not even realize you’re looking at at a dahlia! They add a unique element to dahlia arrangements en masse, given their slightly non-dahlia appearance.

Personal Favorites: Platinum Blond, Totally Tangerine, Lifestyle

Pictured above: Totally Tangerine

Tips on using dahlias in gardens and flowering borders

When choosing where to place your dahlias, it’s important to note that every dahlia varies in height, typically ranging anywhere from 1-5 feet tall.

Dinnerplate, ball, and cactus dahlias tend to be in the 3-5 foot range, making them perfect for the back or middle of borders and gardens.

Pompons and anemone dahlia are typically in the 1-2.5 foot range, so they’re best at the front of borders or in large pots. Just be sure to give them a deep pot to grow in, as they like for their roots to be able to spread.  

Also, because dahlias are later blooming, planting them amongst spring and mid summer flowers such as daffodils and cosmos (which will bloom before them) is good for gaining full season interest in a space. 

If you want to give dahlias perennial flower partners to bloom alongside during late summer and early autumn, heirloom chrysanthemums and asters are two great picks.

Hope this inspires you to begin sourcing dahlias for spring planting, and be sure to check back to read about how to plant dahlia tubers - and seeds!

Naturalistic Holiday Tablescapes

Happy holidays! 

In this season which is meant to be celebratory and exciting but can often become overwhelming and stressful, I wanted to share a couple of tablescape ideas that are beautiful yet simple - and draw from ye olden days when seasonality was a necessity and nature was the guide when it came to holiday decorating.

(Quick side note: though I completely understand that decorating can sometimes be part of what feels daunting during the holidays, creating a naturalistic tablescape can feel a bit meditative. With the “nature as your guide” approach, there’s the chance to pause and go out in nature to gather ingredients. And once you have all you need to prepare, there are no perfect lines to form, no perfect balls of flowers to shape, and the end result is a lush reminder of how the simple beauty of nature is abundant in all seasons.)

So first up, a look best suited for a large table, as this one involves footed compotes, lush greenery centerpieces, and bowls of extras to create an almost cornucopia effect.

Above is a sample on a 4 foot table: I imagine repeating the look for a longer table (and be sure to leave space for the dishes and glassware;)

Materials needed to recreate a similar look

Brass bowls in an assortment of sizes (Note: a footed bowl thrown into the mix will add interest with height variation, but it may block visibility across the table. This is perfect if you have guests who should avoid one another! But if you wish to not impede anyone’s vision, placing the tall footed bowl smack in the middle and leaving extra space at its sides should allow people to see around it.)

Mixed evergreen branches (Shown above are juniper, magnolia, cypress, and nandina stems + berries)

Fruit (pears, pomegranates, oranges, lemons, and cranberries are personal favorites for the holiday)

Pins and brown paper (if you wish to create place cards for the table, as shown above)

Brass candlesticks and/or candleabras + taper candles (a collection with mixed heights adds interest)

Table runner (not required, and please know that it may need to be one you’re okay with ruining for the open pomegranate look - they stain horribly but are so worth the look they provide when cut open)

To create the footed bowl centerpiece

Place a large flower frog in the bottom of the compote so greenery will stay in an upright fashion. It will still droop in a natural way, but without splaying out too far into the eating space.

Add water.

Begin adding in the heaviest stems first, in a triangular shape to evenly distribute weight. In my case, it was the magnolia branches. Then do the same triangular additions with another greenery, making sure there is height variation and insuring that there is some “spilling” happening around the edge of the bowl. Continue until you use all of the different greeneries. Then, I typically save berries for last, as I did with the nandina in my arrangement.

Do a 360 check to make sure there are no obvious holes and add in as needed!

This could also be done with one variety of evergreen, though be sure to compensate for the lack of textural interest by really making sure you have height variation amongst the stems.

In the other bowls

A similar approach can be done as was with the compote bowl for a structured look.

I also recommend making beds of evergreens and topping with fruit, and/or creating bowls of only fruits and cones (such as cranberries and magnolia seed pods), and/or creating bowls of only one type of fruit (either whole or cut up).

How to create place cards out of fruit

For a naturalistic look, I use slightly rumpled parchment paper (I just ball is up a little and flatten back out) with raw edges to write names onto. Then, I use a pin to poke it into the fruit. Simple as that! I used two different colors of pears for this example, but a mixture of different fruits would be an interesting look as well.

Once you have all of the above pieces prepared, it’s time to lay them out! As mentioned earlier, placing footed compotes first is ideal to ensure they’re not blocking guests’ vision (unless you want them to). Then, begin placing the bowls about 8-12 inches apart in a slightly off centered way (not a straight line, more like a slightly curved snake). Add in the candlesticks amongst the bowls as you wish (working in odd numbers with those is best), and finally, add in loose bits of fruit such as sliced pomegranates and oranges to lay along the runner. Lastly, put out your place cards, table setting, and glassware - and voila. A feast for the eyes to compliment the holiday feast.

Looking for something a little more simplistic but just as naturalistic?

Ditch the compotes and plethora of bowls, and instead allow your candlestick holders to be the focus amongst a single bowl of evergreens, fruit, and cones.

Using candle holders with a bit of a gutter around the stem opening is a great way to incorporate cranberries (or nuts and other dried fruits) around the table without a big spread.

These glass star shaped holders are vintage but easily found on Etsy or in other vintage shops. Using tea light holders is also an option: use Stick Um candle wax adhesive to hold the tapers in place and then put the fruit around them!

Playing with candle colors is also a way to make a big impact in a small tablescape. Go with dark colors to add a moody pop if you want to keep with a naturalistic color scheme, or go with bright reds or greens if you’re hoping to add umph to the muted greenery.

Lastly, little sprigs of greenery placed amidst the candle holders adds another dimension and can bring cohesiveness with a bit of whimy to the overall look.

Hope you find this helpful, and please let me know if you have any questions!

Planting a Bulb Lasagna

How to have flowers like this👇🏻 from a single pot….

Spring bulbs are one of the easiest things to plant and are also the quickest way to ensure that you have a lovely ower show to signal the end of winter.

The only tricky thing about them?

They are often the target of above and below ground creatures who are looking for a winter snack, and they can take up quite a bit of space in the landscape - which means you may be faced with picking and choosing from only a few to grow.

Then of course there may be the obstacle of not having any yard at all, but you’re still wanting that tulips/daodil/(list all the other owering spring bulb here) experience on your patio or porch.

The solution?
Planting a potted bulb lasagna!

Simply put, it's a layered approach to planting bulbs in a pot, with the goal of choosing owers that bloom at slightly dierent times to get the most out of your pot.

They're easy to plant and require next to no care if left outdoors to the elements, and this guide will help you know what you'll need to plant and includes 3 recipes to get your started.

Materials Required

Pots with drainage holes

Clay pots and vintage metal containers with holes nailed into the bottom work beautifully.

Quality potting mix

Black Kow and Coast of Maine are two personal favorite brands readily found .

Grit (the stone kind is what I'm talking about, but the internal kind is helpful, too) and a few medium sized stones

My favorite British growers swear by using horticultural grit to aid in drainage in their pots, but here in the states it's not commonly mentioned. So, you may get a confused look if you ask for help finding it in big box stores. Thankfully since plain horticultural grit is really just ground up stone, you can use basic poultry grit (i.e. crushed granite) to achieve the same results - with the bonus that it's cheaper and easier to find than horticultural grit.

Spring Flowering Bulbs

Tulips, allium, daffodils (narcissus), crocus, snowdrops, fritillaria, hyacinths, and muscari are tried and true favorites for bulb lasagna recipes - and many of those varieties come in a wide range of colors! It's best to choose 3 - 4 varieties of bulbs that bloom at different times - early, mid and late spring.

Suggested recipes

Allium Arctic Snow
Narcissus Ice King
A mix of Fritillaria Meleagris and Allium Moly

Mondial Tulip (or any tulip of your choice)

Hyacinth Gypsy Queen (or any hyacinth of your choice)

A mix of Muscari, Snowdrops, and Allium Azureum

Fritillaria Persica

Darwin Blushing Bride Tulip (or tulip of your choice)

Hyacinth White Pearl

Iris Reticulata + Snowdrops

Steps for Planting

  1. Put a few medium sized stones loosely spaced in the bottom of the pot. This will help ensure water drains freely at the bottom.

  2. Create a mix of compost and grit which you'll use to make your layers.

  3. Put a layer of the above mix into the bottom of the pot.

  4. Place the largest bulbs onto that layer, spacing about 1 inch apart.

  5. Cover with compost.

  6. Place the second largest bulbs in the second layer (with the exception of the

    tulip/hyacinth recipes - hyacinth bulbs will be larger than tulips, but since

    they're shorter, I put them in the second layer).

  7. Cover with compost.

  8. Place the smallest bulbs on the top layer.

  9. Cover with compost.

  10. Water with a gentle spray or watering can.

  11. Place in a sunny spot that preferably will be moisture from morning dew, rain,

    and snow throughout the winter. If you only have a porch, putting it at the edge of the porch should suffice, but be sure to make sure it doesn't stay bone dry for more than a week or two at a time.

  12. If there is concern of squirrels digging in your pots, cover with a layer of bird netting or chicken wire to deter that from happening (but be sure to remove it as soon as you see green shoot start to appear).

  13. Patiently wait for spring blooms and enjoy!

The mistake that led to total garden failure - and how I fixed it.

In February of 2023, a stroke of inspiration (most likely brought on by winter doldrums) told me to start planning a new garden space at the farm. Growing flowers in rows was starting to feel like an assembly line that was crushing my creativity, so I thought that the solution may be to designate a small square of space to create somewhat of a cottage garden - complete with a little stone path, vine wall and teepee, flowering perennials, and annuals sown throughout them.

So as winter began to fade, the garden plan was born. I kept the overall vision simple by choosing a mix of about 10 varieties of plants that I would repeat throughout the space, and all was installed by April 1. It was a hopeful space and in my dreams it was sure to become a lush and gorgeous getaway spot.

However, by the end of the season, this is what I was left with:

September 2023- not much better than April 1, 2023

The result was depressing and slightly defeating, but as gardeners do, I had to assess what I did wrong - and when I realized the biggest mistake I’d made (and fixed it this spring), the result at the same time as last year’s failure was this:

September 2024 - I chose a mainly green and white color scheme, which created a nice sense of calm within the space

So what was it that made such a drastic difference?

Location, location, location.

In 2023, I had failed to realize that WHERE I put the garden was just as important as what I put in it.

My initial thought had been to tuck the garden away from the hub of the farm so as to create a quiet zone I could escape to when a break from the grind was needed. 

In theory, it made sense to have a spot that completely took me away from the never ending tasks of of the planting, weeding, harvesting, and floral designing. 
In reality, those tasks are imperative to my daily routine and are always at the forefront of my mind - so putting a project so far outside the realm of where most of my existence at the farm was happening set it up for failure.

Very quickly the space feel victim to the old adage “out of sight, out of mind,” and demise ensued.
So by making the decision to start over in an entirely different spot - right next to the main field at the farm - I set myself for success in two ways:

Not only did I remember to actually take care of it because I walked by it frequently, but I also remembered to ENJOY it on a daily basis.

When a lush green space with a little chair is something you’re forced to see, at some point you’re going to let it beckon you in for a moment. I’ve stood in that space almost every day to simply watch the bees or follow the vine trails. Even if it’s just been for five minutes, it’s been five minutes of calm I was gifted thanks to the change of location.

In summary, please learn from my mistake and be sure to choose a garden spot you simply can’t ignore - even if it’s a patio garden, make sure it’s a patio that is part of your daily existence!

By choosing a space that’s already part of your day to day life, the garden will quickly become an enjoyable part of your routine instead of an added chore you’re likely to neglect. Then all the effort and time spent in tiny daily time spans will be greatly rewarded in the form of a beautiful space that you (and the pollinators) will never forget to enjoy.

Which brings me to one more quick tip to help give you success (and take some work off your back in the spring): if you can find the time, starting a garden by planting perennials this fall will not only help lay a foundation for which you can plant annuals amongst next spring, but it will also allow those perennial roots to strengthen so they won’t have to be babied in the spring. You’ll gain about 6 months of growth by planting in fall versus in the spring, all thanks to giving them a nice time to rest while the magic is happening underground.

Favorite perennials for planting in October and November include peonies, hellebores, flowering shrubs (forsythia, mock orange, ninebark, abelia), and clematis vine.

Hope that’s helpful, and as always, you can schedule a garden consult if you’re hoping for more customized advice on how to create a garden that thrives and inspires.

foraged greenery for August flower arrangements

Though I love to grow greenery and herbs for floral arranging purposes, there’s something fun about going into nature to find wild and rambling bits - especially at the height of summer season, where so much can typically be found.

So today I’m sharing my top three favorite foraged greenery to look for in the month of August here in central Virginia. Starting with….


Elaeagnus (also known as Silverberry or Autumn Olive) is a non native you’ve most likely seen along roadways or in open fields in Virginia.  You may have even seen small shrubs of it for sale at a nursery, but it is one that I would not recommend planting due to its highly invasive nature. Seriously, plant one and you may end up with 100 in just a few years. Which isn’t really a good thing since it often keeps other beneficial and native pollinator plants from growing in its shade.

However, given that it’s so readily found already existing in nature, I would recommend foraging from it to use in floral arrangements. Not only does it look beautiful and have good vase life, but by foraging it this month (when the berries start to appear) you’re helping to keep those seeds from spreading all around. Also, the berries are edible, and though not the most delicious, that’s good news given that there’s no concern in bringing it into your home around pets and children! Of course you can also just take the berries off and discard of them (in a trash can, not a compost pile), if you wish to have just greenery visible.

A bridal bouquet made with elaeagnus as the greenery base (photo by Hannah Malloy Photography)

Once you’re done foraging from a particular shrub, at some point within the month, cutting it all the way back to the ground is best. I promise you it’ll grow back (you really have to dig it up to officially get rid of it), but again, cutting it back keeps it from multiplying at an unhealthy rate.

And if you’re at all curious to learn more about how this particular invasive species came to be so prevalent in our landscape, I found this wonderful article by Lewis Ginter:

Wild Blackberry Vine

Ah, the most exciting vine of summer. The fruit that appeared in July has started to fade by now, but the lovely vine of wild blackberry is still very green and wonderful to weave into arrangements: just be sure to take caution when harvesting, as the thorns aren’t very forgiving of fingertips grabbing onto them.

I personally harvest in leather gloves, and then before putting the stems into water, I strip the thorns by gently scraping with a knife or edge of scissors so positioning stems in a vase won’t be so threatening. The sturdy stems and leaves have a droopy but not-too-droopy form that makes it wonderful for creating a base layer in a vessel before weaving in flowers among them.

Virginia Ground Cherry (Physalis virginiana)

This one is a bit trickier to find than the previous two due to its short nature and easy ability to hide, making it all the more special when it does appear! Growing only 1-2 feet tall, you’ll most likely notice its tubular, off white/maroon tinged flowers first. Then, if you look more closely, you’ll find beautiful green paper lantern like orbs hiding under the leaves. Those contain either green berries or ripened red-orange berries (which typically occurs in late August).

To harvest for floral arrangement, cut as low down on the stem as possible and strip enough leaves so that there won’t be any sitting in water. Then, I would recommend arranging the flowers first and then tucking this ingredient in last, around the edges to allow it to peek out. It’s not the strongest stem, so using it as a base layer or grid isn’t recommended.  It’ll definitely be a conversation starter for anyone who sees the arrangement, and I’ve found it can last for up to two weeks in a vase!

Hope this is helpful, and happy foraging!

Four flower seeds to sow in June to enjoy a late summer harvest

Yes, it’s the end of June, and perhaps time got away from you this spring and you never got around to growing those flowers you intended to. Good news! You haven’t quite missed the boat on growing flowers here in Virginia. 

Below are four beginner-grower-friendly, cuttable flowers that will bring joy to you and pollinators alike. Simply purchase the seeds, which can all can be directly seeded into a weed free patch, and commit to watering them daily until they’ve reached their mature height.

Once established, watering only needs to happen 2-3 times a week for these tough heat loving flowers, and cutting from them regularly will encourage them to keep pumping out blooms from late summer to the first frost. 

Also, if deer and critters are a problem in your backyard, using an all natural deer repellant spray a couple of times a week will help them avoid attack so as to not destroy your flower garden dreams.

So without further ado, the 4 favorites are…


Tall and wiry yet full faced, cosmos add a whimsical element to the garden and make an amazing statement in a vase en masse.

There are many different varieties, and it’s important to note the height when choosing where to grow them. Favorite extra tall varieties are Afternoon White, Cupcakes Blush, and Apricotta, which may require some support so they won’t flop over during a summer storm.

A shorter variety that does well in pots or along flowering borders without any support is Xanthos, a lovely pale yellow and white color to weave into fall arrangements.


Zinnias are fast growing, bushy plants that are offered in almost all colors of the rainbow (except blue, whomp whomp).

There are also different shapes and sizes. Size-of-your face bloomers can be found in the Benary’s Giant Mix, sharp skinny quilled styles are found in Cactus varieties, extra fluffy flower heads are in the Zinderella varieties, and tiny, cute as a button sized blooms are produced from the Jazzy mix.

When harvesting the first stems, be sure to cut at least one leaf node down to encourage taller growing stems!


A personal anecdote regarding sunflowers: when I was in middle school, the traditional yellow and brown giant sunflowers were all the rage. And I had this one friend who embraced it with her whole heart, decorating her entire bedroom in sunflowers and wearing them on her clothes and backpack. Said friend decided she hated me after I got a new haircut and the braces came off. In my mind it plays like a movie, me walking into school that morning after the little makeover and her saying to the person next to her “who does she think she is?” Then she commenced attempting to make my life a living hell from that point on for the rest of the school year.

Thankfully I had parents who raised me to hold my head high and not stoop to her level, so I managed to make new friends and ignore her as much as possible…and that did the trick of making her eventually stop. But the pain and ridicule she doled out definitely stuck with me for a while. Which is why that year, every time I saw a sunflower, my stomach sank because I thought of her. And that reaction just kind of stuck, which led to a long term hatred of sunflowers.

Fast forward many years later when I have begun my flower growing journey and suddenly I realize that there are SO MANY varieties of sunflowers! Striped ones and white ones and ones as dark as the night sky. Fluffy ones and short ones and ones that grow like a tree with lots of branches coming off of a central stalk. I about cried with joy. So now I grow them proudly and without a pit in my stomach….though I did actually grow the traditional ones that year as a reminder to let the past be in the past and to appreciate the tough times, for they actually can make us grow taller. Like the sunflower.

Now enough of the life stuff. As for where to begin if you want to grow interesting sunflowers you don’t see every day, I would suggest any from the ProCut series (Plum and White Nite are two absolute favs!), Rouge Royal, Sunfill Purple, and Teddy Bear.


Much like with sunflowers, before I was a grower, the only marigolds that came to mind were the short little red and orange ones most often found in nurseries. Then once again my mind was blown when I saw that there were taller, more sophisticated varieties to grow that would still be wonderful for attracting pollinators, detracting pests, and killing nemotodes….but would be more of a statement flower in the field and in arrangements.

At the farm we grow the Giant series (Yellow and Orange), White Swan, Red Gem, and Lemon Gem for arrangements (Red and Lemon Gem specifically for their lacy foliage).

Hope that’s helpful! If you need advice on where to source seeds, be sure to check out this post Finding Incredible Flower Seeds

Four mosquito repellent plants to add to your patio

Mosquitoes may be the most despised pest of the summer, and if you don’t wish to slather yourself in bug spray every time you go to sit on your porch, there are plants that do great in containers that can act as a mosquito barrier where you tend to lounge about the most. Bonus points for them being low maintenance!


A tried and true plant that works well as a backdrop for other flowers in a pot (think lemongrass in the back, trailing flowers in the front). It’s willowy, easy to maintain, and edible : harvest stalks at the base when they’re 12” tall and chop to use for marinades, sauces, or any other culinary needs.

Citronella Plant 

Commonly known as citronella or mosquito plant, it’s actually a citronella scented leaf geranium (which is really a pelargonium but labeled as a geranium… confusing I know). Whatever you call it, this plant is so strongly scented of citronella that just one tiny touch with leave a lingering scent on your hands and does the mosquito repellent job well.  In fact, the oil of this plant is what is used in citronella candles!

Citronella plant is easy to care for. It only needs to be watered every few days (it hates being overwatered), and it has a lovely light pink bloom that emerges throughout the season. It’s best to deadhead these blooms and also take off any leaves that may wither.

Please note that citronella plant is only a perennial in zones 9-10, so if you live in Virginia like I do, this plant will need to be brought indoors for the winter (or plan to treat it as an annual). 


A wonderful culinary herb that doubles as a mosquito (and fly!) repellent. Basil is fairly easy to grow: just give it lots of sun + good drainage, and take off any yellowing leaves throughout the season. All varieties will do the job, so have fun choosing those that you love the most! Personally the purple varieties are a favorite for adding some dark contrast to a mix pot of flowers or herbs.


Marigolds are one of the most helpful flowers you can grow, warding off not just mosquitoes but flys, tomato worms, and thrips (to name a few). There are many varieties to choose from, and I would recommend choosing a shorter variety is you’re wanting to grow them in pots. French marigolds are a personal favorite! 

Just as with the citronella plant, it’s best to deadhead marigolds throughout the season to encourage new growth and keep them healthy.

Hope this was helpful, and happy mosquito-free lounging to you this spring and summer.